jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

Primeros huespedes--The first overnight guests

El sabado pasado tuvimos los primeros huespedes de la cabaña la Punta: Sam y Mark hicieron una escursión en mountain bike (la cabaña a mirones, el Somo de Noja, Solana) y se quedaron la noche del Sabado. Aquí estan las fotos de Mark en facebook, donde tambien vieron un helicoptero bombero recoger agua en el pozo de arriba!

The rest of us (Asier, Mikel, John, Ines, Morgan y Nuria) came up Sunday for the day. We scraped down the beams, started treating the wood with Xylazel fondo--what a difference!, a firepit was made after the Morgan broke my bbq rock slab, and Sam started double digging the garden:

Garden, Sam´s butt and planted strawberries (under the hay)

A very productive day, with some homemade cheeseburgers and chips for lunch, and of course, 5 litres of top quality german beer to wash it all down with....you gotta keep the workers happy!

I´m going back up Saturday for the day, and negociate with the cowboy where he can keep his 5 cows over the summer...keeping away from our new garden!

Again, come one, come all!!

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